BodyBuilder Profiles

Name: Steve Lowry

Age: 30

Years lifting: 12

Reasons for training: 

To become a professional rugby player and a pro wrestler

Heroes: The Ultimate Warrior, Ivan Drakov

Steve's story: 

As a huge fan of WWF wrestling as a child, Steve dreamed of one day becoming a professional wrestler, just like his idols.  Most kids fantasise about becoming their heroes, but Steve actually fulfilled his ambitions to wrestle and became a full time pro with 'All Star Wrestling', the second most successful wrestling organisation after the WWE!

He wrestled huge stars such as Yokuzuna, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Tatanka, The Honky Tonk Man, The Bushwhackers and David Flair, son of his famous father, Ric.

Steve's stage name was The Iceman Steve Strong, and he enterd the ring in, as he puts it- "A Cruella Deville-style fluffy coat and in red trunks!"

Steve says: "Training has been a platform for me making some of my dreams come true..."

If that doesn't get you itching to get in the gym, nothing will...

                                           The Iceman Steve Strong!

Steve starts his shoulder routine with seated press, using VERY strict form

He does 4 sets, using a slow and controlled rep speed to really fry his delts

Mid lat raises when done this strictly, will  help give your shoulders a 'capped' look

Steve holds the weights for a second at their most effective point

Front raises next

 Steve's Shoulder Routine:

4 sets of each exercise, rep range of 8 to 12, or when failure is reached.

Seated Dumbell Press.

Mid Lat Raises.

Front Lat Raises.

Upright Rows.


 Upright rows target the entire shoulder girdle, adding strength and mass all over the trapezius and deltoids

Steve kept up his agonisingly strict form for the entire workout! Ouch!

Steve not only bodybuilds but also is a trained fighter. Not someone to argue with really...

He works as a personal trainer at The Galleon Gym, Didsbury, so if you're not too scared of him, let him write you a plan and whip you into shape!

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