BodyBuilder Profiles

Name: Philip Sharkey

Age: 23

Years training: 6

Reasons for lifting: 

Phil loved watching MMA when he was younger and thought

"I could take these guys on!"

This led to him into fight training and into weight lifting.

Blessed with visible abs even at the age of 6, Phil was born to train!

Heroes: Lion-O (Thundercats!), Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson, BJ Penn.

Philip says: 

"Don't chase your goals, be the best, and your goals will chase you..."

Heavy bench presses are the meat and potatoes of Philip's workout

 He starts off on the flat barbell press, going as heavy as he can with good controlled form

Incline dumbell press tear the upper chest to pieces

They also tie in the upper chest to the shoulders

(Above) Phil takes a well earned break!

(Right) Philip is in such incredible shape, he looks better than those Men's Health models. And Phil's photos haven't been airbrushed to death!

Philip used to "do a lot of scrapping" at school and he says that the discipline that hard training has taught him has helped him control his temper. Mastering your emotions is a difficult thing for anyone to do!

Smiths incline press enables you to hit the pectorals with everything you've got, without involving the stabiliser muscles as much as a normal press

     You can see Phil pumping up with each rep!

A big stretch on the flyes separates the chest

Everybody's range of motion is different, so be careful to find yours.

Don't copy Phil if you're not designed to stretch as much as he is!

 After chest, Phil targets his already pumped triceps with pushdowns

Nice separation, you can see the horseshoe on the back of his arm!

Skullcrushers! Get sloppy on these and you can say goodbye to your face!

This bar is designed specifically for certain exercises, including this one

Phil's incredible muscularity, combined with his extremely low bodyfat,

makes for a physique that rivals some of Hollywood's most ripped stars, 

like Jason Statham for example.

The V shape. Everybody wants it. few people achieve it...


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